16 April 2008

I Hone My Words

I hone my words
on the hardness of my skull
until they shine along the edge,
sharp enough to split a hair-
but that’s not enough.

Then I let them penetrate my heart,
to enliven them
with the DNA of my deep sweet soul-
to mobilize them with tails made of tales—
to soften their hard heads enough to impregnate something into being.

In this way
when they swim into your eyes
your ears—
If you are wet & fertile of mind—
a chosen One might merge with some expectant part of you,
to grow into some new life form,
to take root in the welcome womb of your imagination,
to gestate within you,
until, with the force of your long held in expression,
you open your mouth widely enough
and loudly enough
to give it birth.

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