30 August 2009

A Moment I Can't Forget

What I can’t forget is the feeling that I had the minutes between when my son’s head was born and his body came out. Even after hours of labor I thought—now I know why two heads are better than one. I felt our intertwined bodies wordlessly bridge the gap between our souls. Inside my tiredness, all I could do was laugh.

-by Terra rafael

25 August 2009


Why would a 55 year old woman get a tattoo? It all began about 15 years ago when I got my first tattoo. As a midwife, I venerate the female cycles and the phases of woman-life often named Maiden, Mother, and Crone. A group of midwives in New Hampshire began a custom of tattoing the ankle to commemorate the initiations inherent in becoming a cycling woman; giving birth; and becoming a wisewoman at the end of cycling.

The Moon, symbol of feminine energy, with her own visible cycles, ruler of the fluids of the Earth, became our choice to symbolize the Woman power:
On getting the moonblood, menstrual cycle, a woman would gain a waxing moon symbol, which I chose to color white to symbolize the Maiden energy.
After giving birth the woman would adda a full moon symbol, which I painted red for the Mother. And after 13 moons of holding the wise blood inside at the end of menstruation a woman would add a waning moon symbol, which on my ankle is filled in with black for the Crone energy.

At that first tattoo session years ago, I had achieved the first two initiations. My friend Delta was also excited about this way to mark our allegiance to Woman power in a tangible way. She had a friend, who had a friend who did tattoos but didn’t have a studio yet. At this time tattoos were less common, more mysterious and a bit more fringe, so I thought nothing of submitting my self to someone who might not know what they were doing. I had faith. My tattoos were relatively small – only about ¾” square each. The ankle is a more painful place since it is so boney there and my current tattoo artist warned that they “don’t hold there.” But now, as those years ago, it wasn’t for ornamentation but for a marking of my passages.

We went to the friend’s house where several women huddled around the tattoo artist, gathered to scar themselves for life – but in a determined and meaningful way. Both Delta and I brought our preschoolers with us. When it was my turn to sit on the floor and be marked, my daughter Alana, sweetly held my hand. Tattoos definitely hurt as applied—but like the memory of childbirth, that pain quickly faded and I loved my symbols on my ankle.

So it was not a surprise when Alana got to be a teen and wanted her own tattoo. We tried to placate her with piercings on her belly and her ear. But she continued to want to express herself as, well, I , her mother, had. I wasn’t sure if a teenager could really determine what they might like for the rest of her life. Certainly that’s one reason the law currently prohibits tattoos on those younger than 18 without obvious parental permission. Tattoos are practically more permanent than marriage and more so than choosing a career. And some people, even at the beginning of the 21st century consider tattoos too pagan, too vulgar. As one man quoted in Dear Abbey just yesterday said, “...tattoos are not acceptable in polite society and are associated with gangs, drunken sailors, and other “low lifes”. I hoped my tender daughter would be spared such comments.

Eventually Alana turned 18 – and the same day got a tattoo with her birthday money. It’s on her foot—but on top, not the ankle like mine. And her’s is a beautiful tiger lily – another sort of symbol of strong, beautiful womanhood. Later she got another flower on her calf.

And eventually, a couple of years after the 13th moon of my baby cronehood, I knew it was time to get my waning moon tattoo. I asked Alana to join me and she decided to get her third tattoo also. For over a year she had been considering a design. Finally she created a 5 pointed metallic looking nautical star, overlaid by a 5 petalled flower with a Cancer astrological symbol in the middle. She couldn’t really articulate a meaning to me – but I see it as a merging of the masculine star with the feminine flower, centered in her emotional, watery self.

We scheduled our date with the tattoo artist Joe at Boulder Ink. It turned out that he decorated several people Alana knows, including a childhood friend. The small room held two tables and on the other table Joel worked his magic on the arm of a tattoo lover. I went first, signing the waiver and laying sideways on the massage table. Heavy metal music punctuated the air, vibrating almost in time with the buzzing tattoo machine as it pierced my skin so quickly it created a blur of pain. I flinched at the first piercing, down near to the bone. Alana held my hand again. This time she, the more experienced, guided me. She said, “Relax, Mom. Breath. Take a deep breath.....Let it be.” And it did help to let it be, to surrender to the chosen pain, just as I had counseled so many women in labor.

When it was Alana’s turn I was amazed at her ability to withstand the pain. Her new tattoo was on her hip, a bit meatier than my ankle but her tattoo was about 3” in diameter. When it was not me under the needles, the machine reminded me of my childhood snippy (or zippy) scissors, electric, buzzing, but perfectly safe for a child. Alana dispassionately lay while needled and we listened to wild yet somehow fascinating and vaguely brazen rantings by Joel. “Are you sister? Which one is older?. . . Scandanavian are you. . .have you heard the story about drinking wolf blood?” The masterful and creative drawings he’d done for tattoos were plastered all over the walls behind him, bringing grace to his comments.

Now I am nurturing my healing ankle, keeping it clean and moist so it will scar in the way that I choose to be scarred. It usually takes 2 weeks to complete the process. The ink will eventually fade, but maybe I’ll touch it up when I become a grandmother someday.

22 August 2009

The Monthly Cronehood of the Menstrual Cycle

Practicing for Menopause during the Fertile Years.

The menstrual cycle contains the experiences of Maiden, Mother, & Crone within it. We can experience a mini- Cronehood when our premenstrual hormones plummet in those cycles in which pregnancy doesn’t occur. We empty of juice, being low in estrogen and progesterone, while filling with intuitive potential. These mini-Cronehoods, when fully experienced, can prepare us for the wisewoman, menopausal years and teach us about the power of Knowing.

What are the practices to help us prepare?

-First, be aware. Notice how your body, emotions, and mind react to this premenstrual time. If you are feeling to many symptoms, it is good to work on gently cleansing and supporting your liver. When the hormones are building up in your liver the detoxing that starts to occur premenstrual times can be more harsh---as they can during the menopausal stage as well.

-Take time for yourself. Yes, I know how difficult that can be. But it must be a priority. In this way you can increase your awareness of what is happening in your body and how to care for it. You don’t need to take the whole day off—just give yourself ½ hour a day to be free of responsibility to others. Moms can do this when kids are in bed—mornings &/or evenings.

-Pay extra attention to your inner promptings. It could be your dreams. or your intuition might be telling you what to do.

-Practice letting go. This time in your cycle is excellent for getting rid of what is no longer living for you. At the same time, value your menstrual cycles-someday they will be gone.

by Terra Rafael

20 August 2009

Natural Fertility Enhancement

Natural Fertility Enhancement Protocol- WiseWomanhood

Stress Reduction
-Lifestyle evaluation
-Self massage techniques
-Meditation techniques
-Yoga/exercise guidelines and support

Weight Normalization- Best begun before actual trying to conceive
-Body type evaluation
-Dietary & exercise recommendations
-Herbal support for digestion and metabolism

Western Herbs
Vitex agnus-castus. Vitex, Monk’s pepper, Chaste berry.
-Great for women in their 40’s who want regular ovulation. Tends to affect pineal and pituitary glands.
Fairly slow-acting, generally large doses. Tincture more cost-effective. Take 1 dropperful 4 times a day, for 2-3-4 years. Many women do feel it helps within 6 weeks. You should see an improvement by 4 months.
· Trifolium pratense—Red Clover
-one of the most pro-fertility herbs. All 4 hormone groups present. Works on human endocrine glands and provides basic building blocks. Helps with fertile mucus production. Infusion also mineral-rich.. Make quart of strong infusion and drink 2 mugs a day.

Female Tonic—RainForest Remedies from Arvigo Institute
-Blend of traditional Maya herbs used to cleanse and nourish the womb and female organs:
-Take according to Terra’s directions, for your particular situation- wrong use may be counter productive

Menstrual Cycle Nourishment – adapted from Shelley Torgrove’s handout
Herbs & internal processes to support the cycle. May not all be appropriate if doing Assisted Reproductive Technologies—check with Terra
Ex. When women live more outdoors without artificial light—women ovulate at full moon and bleed on new moon. Getting woman hooked with the moon cycle will tap into this natural regularity of the moon.
· Phase : Menses 1-7 days Bleeding Phase
New moon – time of letting go—inward & introspective visioning, dreamtime
A wide variability of amount & quality of blood can be considered normal. When starts or ends with old brown clots – old endometrial tissue not released last cycle.
Hormones - All hormones low, around day 4 pituitary starts pulsing Follicle Stimulating Hormone FSH so the ovaries start stimulating the eggs to begin developing.
Self nourishing – resting, warm clothes, baths; drawing; writing; new cycle—clean slate
Wear Red. Cloth menstrual pads—tampons work against the natural flow. If no periods—hook into the moon cycle to go through the cycle of nourishment.
Nutrition - Iron rich dark leafy greens, miso soup with ginger (helps w/ spasms), diluted carrot juice w/ parsley (if lots of clots in menses—seems to thin out clotting), mineral rich sea weeds—kelp , kombu, nori; light eating to avoid congestion of belly
Nourishing herbs – nettle infusion w/ black strap molasses, fresh ginger decoction or compresses, clary sage essential oil: low doses = antispasmodic; high doses = euphoric antidepressant
(2-10 drops for euphoric bath; with equal parts jasmine)
· Phase: Follicular days 5 – 14 or 15 Building phase
Waxing moon
Open strong grounded
Hormones: Eggs ripening in the ovaries—both ovaries ripen and produce estrogen. Causes endometrium to become thick & rich and fertile mucous in the cervix. Stimulating effect—creation energy
Self nourishing—journaling, giving voice to what is building & growing
Exercise, building new projects
Nourishing foods to build= lean animal or vegie proteins; raw almond butter; fresh flax seed oils, raw seeds
Herbs = estrogen balancing : dong quai, black cohosh, red clover
· Phase: Ovulation day 12- 16
Full moon – triggers pineal gland (can use night light) that stimulates the pituitary to stimulate ovulation (sleep in dark except during ovulation phase for lunaception)
(Many hormonal reactions to light is on skin, not necessarily the eyes.)
Peak of aliveness, senses more acute, heightened sexual energy & creativity
Determine ovulation backwards about 12-14 days from the beginning of the next menses or use BBT to see temperature shift indicating ovulation is occurring .(Each woman has her standard luteal phase length until perimenopause begins, when it begins to be more variable.)
Hormones - Dominant follicle produces lots of estrogen; pituitary reads it in blood= egg is ripe and sends out Lutenizing Hormone Surge. LH causes egg to be released by ovary and goes into upper 1/3 of fallopian tube. Follicle sac closes and becomes corpus luteum which produces progesterone. Egg only lives one day –If egg not fertilized, then reabsorbed. If fertilized – goes to uterus & implants.
Self nourishing—chart cervical mucous, watch ovulation signs: Justisse Method of Cycle Sense (avail. from Terra) OR Take charge of your Fertility by Toni Wechsler . Let your prayers go the the Source, letting them go for fruition.
Nutrition: Rising estrogen can deplete B vitamins – if cranky get more brown rice, dark leafy, miso, B complex (vata apana prana syndrome)
Foods- pomegranates = ancient fertility food , red: eggs= B vitamin rich food, nutritional yeast
Herbs – high vitamin & mineral teas—red clover, nettles, calendula, oatstraw
Ovulation pain- ginger root, cramp bark, acute dosing patterns black cohosh

· Phase: Luteal phase 16-28 days Proliferation & implantation or premenstrual
Waning moon
Moving inward, change & prepare for possible pregnancy or menses
Hormone -If cycle discomfort—in luteal phase – pms
Liver breaks down excess hormones & balances blood sugar- if symptoms then need to cleanse and support liver.
Progesterone for about 14 days after ovulation by corpus luteum – sometimes shorter Thickens & supports the uterine lining w/ blood vessels, in case pregnancy is happening.
Self nourishing – complete projects, afternoon alone, in nature, meditating, going inward activities
Nutrition -Food—grounding blood sugar stabilizing=- roasted root veggies, beets, sweet potatoes, burdock root, toasted kelp or nori mixed with toasted ground sesame seeds
Calcium mag rich foods—10 days premenstrual need more CA/ MG – add green foods, oatstraw
Proteins help balance blood sugars; keep it balanced
Sweet nourishing – mochi, sweet potatoes, white miso, steamed apples
Sensitive to nutrient deficiencies at this time
Herbs = liver herbs – roasted dandelion, dandelion, burdock, Oregon grape, yellow dock
Nervous system support herbs= lemon balm, oatstraw, linden blossom

Fertility Foods
· All aphrodisiacs are rich in minerals: oysters, mussels, lobster, chocolate, etc.
Fat is the most important thing for female fertility. Cholesterol is a basic building block of hormones. Low-fat diets are a bad idea for women. Small amount of animal products is necessary to the diet, used as seasoning. If you eat animals you affect how they are treated. Vote with your dollars & demand quality.
-Vegetable oils are bad for fertility. High in omega-6’s and easily go rancid.
-Olive oil is great; olive is a fruit. Coconut oil, Ghee, & Butter are good.
-All wild foods contain omega-3 fatty acids.
-Fish oil may be better than flax for those whose heritage is from sea coasts—their physiology may not have a strong pathway for converting the flax. Flax goes rancid VERY quickly—best is to grind the seeds fresh daily to eat.
-Evening primrose oil helps with fertile mucus production-follow directions on bottle.

Ayurvedic Preparation
• Before becoming pregnant, especially if there are concerns about fertility, Panchakarma is recommended. This consists of external and internal oiling, hot baths or steam, medicated oils and decoctions of herbs in enemas, induced purgation whenever indicated. PK is followed by a month of rejuvenation with diet, herbs, lifestyle practices
• The generic preparations like Chyavanprasha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki Avaleha are prescribed for the gain and maintenance of the strength and vigor.
• To avoid infertility, it is important for the woman to have a normal menstrual cycle, supported by following menstrual health guidelines (see upcoming post).

Fertility Awareness-
Charting the cycle will give good information about ovulation and any hormonal imbalances
Tuning in to her body helps the woman connect to her feminine reproductive & intuitive nature

Maya Abdominal Massage
Helps properly position the uterus to allow for sperm to meet egg,
Stimulate circulation & healthy functioning of the ovaries for better hormonal communications and development of follicle/eggs and fertile mucous.
Stimulate circulation and health of uterus to have healthier lining, better fertile mucous production
Helps get in touch with female organs and intuitive nature

Can be helpful to help reduce coldness & dampness (K) in the reproductive organs

Saltwater Footbaths & Hot Water Bottle & Herbal Sitzbaths
Helpful if poor circulation in pelvic area, cold & dryness (V) in reproductive

Vaginal Steams-(when not trying for pregnancy that cycle)
To cleanse uterus before menses
To warm a cold pelvic area

Psycho-Spiritual Fertility Helps
Whole Person Fertility Program by Niravi Payne – This book delves into clearing psychological blocks to fertility.
Make a Baby Altar, with things on it that symbolize the baby you wish to attract to your family. This is great to do with your partner.
Sing to your body, your baby-to-come—ask me for songs or make your own
Wear a Fertility Necklace or Bracelet to symbolize your commitment to becoming pregnant.

by Terra Rafael, WiseWomanhood Holistic Women's Health
Ayurveda – Maya Abdominal Massage~ Fertility Awareness~Energy Work

17 August 2009

Poem - Prehistoric Gratitude

the chirping chant of late summer bugs
vibrating on the cool air of bedtime
touches me, from ear to soul.
their two note ecstasy of evening
opens up a prehistoric gratitude
for another day of enjoying life on Mother Earth.

-Terra Rafael

05 August 2009

The Best Song in My Life

The best song in my life is the one the angels sang when I first saw my Victor with the eyes of love. They still sing it regularly – and it still can’t be sung by anyone with less than an angelic voice. It frames his face with a halo when I look at him, even which he’s being a jerk.

03 August 2009

Poem - Random Wings

The colony of Death
sleeps, well hidden and upside down,
in the cavern during the daylight of daily life.
The hordes of flying forms usually spiral up and swarm out at twilight.
Yet, random wings might emerge
to tune in to the fluttering of our lives,
eating the juicy moth of our existence.
The balance of nature,
recycling our bodies into
the sweet smell of guano,
strong flapping of amazingly articulated wings,
body merging back into the world
within which
we too once ate and shat.
does the spirit thus set free
soar more easily
when we see death coming straight at us?
or shall we hope for annihilation from behind our backs, in the bliss of ignorance?

by Terra Rafael

02 August 2009

Poem - Save the Children

“for a taste of how she lives, try eating your neighbors’ garbage.
Tina eats what other people throw away –
vegetable peelings, an apple core, a moldy piece of bread.
Where she lives, 7 out of 10 children suffer from malnutrition.
Their parents, although they work hard, can’t provide the barest needs…” (magazine ad)

my womb is the size of my fist is the
size of my heart
my womb could expand with a child if
an egg were incited.
they say there are too many children
& that’s why they’re starving,
too weak for crying.

my womb is the size of my fist is the
size of my heart
my fist becomes pregnant with anger & ripe
for a revolution when I know it’s
greed that leaves people hungry,
people dying.

my womb is the size of my fist is the
size of my heart
And my heart grows to bursting with caring
that children are sick because
rich men are not sharing.

-by Terra Rafael
all rights reserved