01 April 2008

Female Cycle Songs (to the tune of: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Menstrual consciousness song

Flow, flow, flow my blood-
Now release the old.
Endings, end with beginnings again-
New eggs start to unfold.

Follicular consciousness song

Ri – pen - now my eggs-
New possibilities
Many hopes & dreams & schemes.
Womb ripens to receive.

Ovulation consciousness song

Now- my- egg is ripe.
Fer-tile juices flow.
Attracting inspiration now-
Come what I need to grow!

Luteal consciousness song

Wel-come- womb receive
Stories yet untold.
Hopeful planting, firmly planting,
Let new Life take hold.

Premenstrual consciousness song
(when there is no fertilization)

Har-vest flow-ers now.
Hope for fruit is killed.
Wilting beauty feeds the soul
Though seeds are unfulfilled.

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