25 April 2012

Eating Less, Eating Nutritionally Rich - Living Long, Living Well Part 3

While eating abundantly at will has been a sign of wealth, it has diminishing returns.  Our ancestors had their feast times, and their famines.  Now food is always very available to most of us in the US—but not always full of the nutrition we need to maintain our health.  The obesity  epidemic which is spreading over the world, along with the American lifestyle, is one result of lots of food, not so nutritious.

Understanding & Taming Our Food Instincts
Vata Increasing Foods

Our instincts are for rich and sweet foods.  The fats maintained our ancestors in their hunter –gatherer days and the sweet fruit was the least likely to be poisonous.  Those instincts saved us – until today when fat and sugar–laden junk foods are so readily available.  

Today we must counter our instincts some by carefully choosing healthy fats – coconut oil, ghee, and organic butters – to sustain our tissues and limiting exposure to large amounts of vegetable oils and chemical laden, inorganic meats.  Eat just the best quality.  

And we must avoid foods with sugars and simple carbs that quickly become sugars.  The dangers of obesity include those of diabetes—a major ager.

Quality Over Quantity

Kapha Increasing Foods
Eating our veggies and fruits has been shown to be essential over & over again. I won’t belabor this. The sad thing is that because the quality of most of our soil hasn’t been maintained organically, the nutrients in foods are shown to be lower than in the food our grandparents grew up on. That might be one reason why life expectancy in our country has flattened out after making so many gains.  So organic is bound to be better.  

Artificial means to maintain food looking good in grocery stores can fool our eyes but don’t optimally feed our bodies. One reason that people may over eat is that though they are getting lots of calories, they aren’t getting NUTRITION and their bodies keep trying to get it.

Food picked and eaten soon after is more nutritious because once a plant is harvested it’s nutrients are  slowly deteriorating.  Support your local organic farmers. And grow your own when you can. There’s nothing like eating straight from your own garden!

The Right Amount

One aspect of aging is that our digestive capacity and appetites may diminish.  This means it’s all the more important to eat nutritionally dense foods, as well as learn how to maintain digestion (as in part 2 of the Living Long, Living Well series).  Remember- your stomach is the size of about two handfuls of food.  If the stomach is overloaded it doesn’t digest as well.  

Pitta Increasing Foods
Our eating levels must suit not just our digestive capacity but also our activity levels and our metabolism. People with slower metabolisms may actually live longer -- if they don't over eat.  So if you're a Kapha, by disciplining yourself  and avoid the diseases of obesity you have a great capacity for longevity.  Pittas must avoid inflammatory diseases by reigning in their wish for stimulating, spicy, oily diets and try cool themselves with cucumbers rather than sugar. Vatas must slow down while eating and eat grounding rich foods while avoiding tendencies to going to extremes--while they shouldn't overeat, fasting is also contraindicated to avoid depleting their tissues.  If you need more guidance on this, contact Terra at www.wisewomanhood.com !

It's also important to note that some people eat way TOO LITTLE food or might starve themselves to lose weight.  Our bodies respond to lack of food over time by going into starvation mode, which will cause the body to hold onto weight.  If you want to lose weight, eat vegetables with some protein - avoiding carbs and fats and exercise more---but DON'T try to just skip eating.

Tips for eating less:

  • ·         Start with a prayer or several relaxed deep breaths. Slow down at meal time.
  • ·         Use smaller plates.
  • ·         Chew each mouthful longer.
  • ·         Have some healthy fats and different tastes for a balanced satisfaction.
  • ·         If you eat carbs, include a protein or fat to slow the burn and avoid ups &downs of blood sugar.
  • ·         Avoid working or reading while eating.  
  • ·         Always put food on a plate and, if you need it, measure out portions. 
  • ·         You can eat lots of veggies, so make them half of your meal.
  • ·         Avoid snacking by eating 3 healthy meals a day.

Tips for eating nutritionally rich:

  • ·         Buy local, organic food and eat it soon after buying to get the most from your food.
  • ·         Cook your own food so you know where it’s from and what’s in it and how old it is.
  • ·         Eat lots of veggies and some fruits.
  • ·         Eat healthy oils daily.
  • ·         Nutritionally dense foods include fresh veggies, fruits, sea vegetables, nuts & seeds, tahini, quinoa, bee pollen, herbal infusions, organic dairy & meat that are raised naturally.

19 April 2012

Protecting Your Digestive Fire - Part 2 of Living Long, Living Well

-Eat food at room temperature or a little warmer. Eating with your fingers will make sure it is the right temperature. Test your tea with your little finger. (Cancer of the esophagus can be triggered by habitually eating foods too hot.) Digestive enzymes are temperature specific and evolved to work with room temperature food—not refrigerated , frozen or iced.

-Allow 3 hours between meals to allow stomach digestion to be complete before new food is added to the system. You wouldn't add dirty clothes to the wash machine in the middle of its cycle!

-Don't drink with meals- instead load up on water or tea 1/2 hour before or 2 hours after. This avoids diluting your digestive juices and reducing digestive capacity.

-Chew food mindfully. Poorly chewed food may cause choking and, more likely, poor digestion. The mouth is the first step of digestion--chewing well mixes the enzymes in saliva thoroughly with your food to begin the breakdown necessary for full digestion.

-Use proper food combining as a rule. Occasional lapses may not be problematical, but daily or regular lapses will lead to toxic buildup and more possibilities of serious disease in the long run.

  • No fruits eaten with other types of foods
  • Melons always eaten alone
  • Milk always taken alone except for totally sweet fruit ie. Dates, mangoes, figs or cooked with basmati rice
  • Don’t mix milk with dal, fish, or meat—this is definitely a dangerous combination.
  • Don’t take yogurt in a meal with meat.

·Relax to allow for proper digestion. Working lunches are bad for digestion and can confuse your prana or life energy flow. Make food a sacrifice to the digestive fire, offered to God. Saying a prayer or sitting quietly for a minute or two before eating will allow you to slow down and let energy & blood go to digestion. The Ayurvedic ideal is to not talk while eating. If that doesn’t work—avoid emotionally upsetting topics & topics you don’t want to take deeply into your body.

· Don’t eat & then sleep—leave 2 hrs between them. Digestion works better in an awake state.

· Don’t eat & then exercise, except for taking 1000 steps after a meal—2 hrs between them.

· Don’t eat & then meditate –leave 1 hour between to avoid poor meditation or bad digestion.

· Follow the diet appropriate for your Aurvedic constitution &/or current condition, as well as the season. If you need help with this, contact Terra at www.wisewomanhood.com

16 April 2012

Self Care to Maintain Health & Youthfulness

Yes- we’d all like to live long, but also well. To accomplish this we must begin as soon as we’re aware that our future health depends on our current habits.

Some habits to cultivate:

  • · Maintain good digestion and elimination.
  • · Eat less, but nutritionally rich foods
  • · Maintain a healthy blood sugar level
  • · Turn off stress – reduce adrenal activity
  • · Exercise – not too much, not too little, at the right time
  • · Maintain an active mind
  • · Sexual pleasure – use it or lose it
  • · Maintain body moisture & lubrication, internally and externally
  • · Sleep & relax for daily renewal

I’ll do a series of upcoming blogs on how to incorporate each of these into your life.

For personalized plans – contact me for an in person or phone consultation.

www.wisewomanhood.com for more information and to contact me.