02 May 2012

Breathing to Relieve Stress- a free way to be healthier

If you are habitually excitable, anxious, or just speeding around in a Type A manner you are acting like a tiger is chasing you all the time. By using your breath in a conscious way you can turn off your adrenal glands and move out of fight-or-flight and into the relaxed mode that allows for good digestion, tuned in sex, and a healthier life in general.  Blood pressure can be reduced. Not to mention the mental pressure.

Daily practice:
Lie on your back, with knees bent up and feet on the floor to relax your lower belly.  Gently place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest to help you gauge where your breath is going. Just breath naturally in this position for a few breaths, becoming aware of the speed, depth, and location of your normal breath.
Now, breathing through your nose, take a DEEP, slow breath in that fills up your belly like a balloon. The hand on your belly should go up first, then filling the lungs all the way up to the top, your chest hand will go up too.
When it’s time to exhale gently and slowly(don’t hold your breath!) letting the air out of your chest first, feeling that hand sink down as it empties and then, the belly hand goes down at the end of the full exhale.
Don’t force the breath, so much as open up to it coming in and then let the natural force of the air let it move itself back out, in its own time. If you force the breath out you may hyperventilate and feel dizzy or tingling in the fingers. ( If that happens, cup your hands around your nose and mouth and rebreathe your air to bring the balance back to your O2/CO2 levels.)
Continue the gentle, deep breathing for about five minutes—or longer if you want.

Throughout the day:
Whenever you start to notice you’re “revving up” , take a short breathing break.  You don’t have to lie down, just do it sitting or standing upright.  Take at least 3 deep slow gentle breaths—you’ll turn down the adrenals and relax.  YOU DON”T HAVE TO BE TENSE TO ACCOMPLISH THINGS!!!

More helps:
Maya Abdominal Therapy can be helpful in relaxing the upper and lower abdomen and making it easier to take deep breaths.  Other helps to turning off the adrenals can be Rescue Remedy or herbs that Terra can recommend.  Adrenal health is important for overall health, hormonal balance, and healthy menopause.
 women’s holistic health throughout the female lifecycle
Terra Rafael, Registered Midwife & Ayurvedic Practitioner
Ayurveda – Maya Abdominal Therapy – Reiki – Flower Essences – Fertility Awareness
720.628.5015    wisewomanhood@gmail.com