02 May 2010

Pregnancy Sutras

Pregnancy is an altered state, part of women’s physiological initiation.

Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum are a very long menstrual cycle.

Taking in & digesting what is wholesome promotes healthy balance in mother & baby.

Discern what is healthy exercise & unhealthy exercise for you at different times.

The mother shares her body space, the baby shares its heart space- both are forever connected. There is no physical intimacy greater than that of a mother & the child in her womb.

Building a support system can help replace the missing functions of tribe & extended family, which are so important to children & parents.

Protect new growth so that it may come to fruition.

What the mother tastes, sees, hears, smells, touches thinks, feels forms the child.

Imbalance, toxic build-up, physical malformation, damage, or trauma can lead to miscarriage.

The baby’s needs are expressed through the mother’s desires.

The mother must surrender to the expansion that the growing child requires.

The pregnant woman’s body works overtime even when she appears to be still. Allowance for this will promote her longevity & the baby’s health.

The pregnant woman eats for two.

Build & store vitality (ojas) for both mother & baby. In the eighth month it is shared between them.

The end of pregnancy, like the premenstrual phase of the menstrual spiral exhibits the woman’s current imbalances & weakness.

by Terra Rafael, midwife

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