06 May 2009


Dragonflies are everywhere today. The air is unusually lively with their wings whirring through the watery landscape, where my office looks out into trees and down into the creek. Mindy and I watch in wonder. She's been trying to get pregnant for a year, suffering more than one miscarriage along the way.
“This reminds me of my dragonfly encounter in Belize. Studying Maya Spiritual Healing, we'd take a break for lunch on the flower draped veranda and then go lounge in the peaceful, cool river to counteract the heat of midday. That river was so safe, so clear & refreshing. We would stand, chest deep in the water, relaxing & communing with nature.
One day while in the river, a pair of dragonflies landed on my shoulder. They were mating – something I'd never observed before. They bent their bottoms together, creating a heart-shaped coital position. They stayed together for at least half and hour, doing their heart tantra all the while.”
“That's amazing,”Mindy replies, as she turns towards me, “but to get back to my purpose for being here: Do you think that I'm pregnant now? That I will have a successful pregnancy?”
As Mindy speaks, I look beyond her, out of the window. There's a pair of dragonflies mating on the window, making a heart of fertility right now, right next to Mindy.
“Turn around Mindy and see what the dragonflies have to tell you.”
-by Terra Rafael

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