16 April 2013

Your Liver- Your Female Problems - Part 1 - What to Avoid

Your Liver -

Your Female Problems – Part 1-- What to Avoid

If you have any “female problems” like
-menstrual cramps
-heavy menses
-hot flashes



you’ll want to make friends with your liver.

Estrogen dominance can play a big role in all of these conditions.  And the liver is important in ridding your body of estrogens. (Hint: A high fiber diet also helps bind them and excrete them from the colon.)

To be friends with your liver –

Avoid these things may damage or overload it:

  • ·         Yoyo dieting can stress the liver
  • ·         Being overweight is associated with fatty liver disease – regular exercise can help prevent it
  • ·         More than one alcohol drink per day
  • ·         Marijuana or other street drugs
  • ·         Excess vitamins, especially vitamin A - For adults, the safe daily intake of vitamin A is around 3,000 micrograms – this is much lower for children and adolescents or people with high alcohol intake, pre-existing liver disease, high cholesterol or severe protein malnutrition. Be aware that some fish oil contains high levels of vitamin A.
  • ·         Some prescription drugs – check for warnings.
  • ·         Excess over the counter drugs, especially acetaminophen. Alcohol consumption substantially increases the risk of acute liver failure from acetaminophen overdose. According to the National Institutes of Health, liver damage may occur with consumption of only 2,600 mg of acetaminophen in the course of a day in people who have consumed varying amounts of alcohol. It is strongly recommended that people who consume alcohol on a regular basis limit acetaminophen intake to a maximum of 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day. The preference is to stay at the lower end of that range. Always remember that a huge number of products contain acetominophen. To protect the liver, it is crucial to never combine acetaminophen-containing products. Carefully read the labels of all over-the-counter medications, as well as all prescription medications, in order to be certain that you never consume more than 1,000 to 2,000 mg of acetaminophen in any 24 hour period.
(Hint:  N-acetylcysteine (NAC) boosts the liver’s production of glutathione, the antioxidant used by the liver to safely detoxify acetaminophen and many other chemicals. By consuming NAC (500 mg, three times daily) on days you take acetaminophen, you can decrease the risk for serious liver toxicity. Never exceed the recommended daily limit of acetaminophen - even when taking NAC.)
  • Hepatitis, of all kinds – some kinds are sexually transmitted so use a condom.  Tattoos and piercings not done hygienically could cause Hepatitis infections as well.
                                        Sources:  LoveYourLiver.com.au                     
                                                        UC San Diego Health System - Liver Center

NEXT TIME:  Liver-loving foods and habits

1 comment:

Saida Desilets said...


I talk a lot of about the Liver in my programs with women and its great to see how beautifully you articulate its importance! Thank you!!!