21 November 2009

Basic Self Care for Vata - excerpt from AYURVEDA FOR THE CHILDBEARING YEAR

The fall season is the time of Vata- the plant energy descends deep into the roots as the cool weather comes. Dry winds can come with the cold. The weather shifts quickly from cool to warm and back. It is emphasized in Vata climate of Colorado where I live-- Vata usually lasts here until the wet snows of February begin the spring.

Here is a primer on Vata and some ideas for self care when you have too much Vata in your body or mind.

Vata - Vata is dry, light, expansive, rough, cold,
changeable, subtle, and quick. Too much of these qualities
in someone's life can imbalance their Vata. Governing
motion, Vata rules neurological communications, movement
of food through the digestive system, urinary control, sexual
ejaculation, menstruation & childbirth. Its "seat", or place in
the body where it is more predominant, is the colon/pelvic
area. Fall & early winter are Vata times of year. Elder years
are Vata time of life. 3 am- sunrise and 2-3 pm - sunset are
Vata times of day. Vata is often more evident during pregnancy
and especially postpartum. (If pregnant, always check
to make sure any therapy you do is truly safe for pregnancyeverything
suggested in this chapter is considered safe for
pregnancy.) Vata can also be over stimulated by a lifestyle of
irregular eating & sleeping, and quickly arising situations.

Balanced expression: The body is functioning
smoothly; one feels life flowing. We feel alert, sensitive,
enthusiastic, spontaneous, and creative.

Excess expression: The body suffers constipation,
shakiness, cramps, gas, fatigue, or menstrual cramps before
bleeding. Emotionally, we feel overwhelmed, fearful,
forgetful, distracted, moody, or sleep irregularly.

What to do if imbalanced in Vata? We warm,
ground, contain, smooth, moisten, slow, and steady ourselves.
• Have regular, moderate exercise, in moderate
amounts, such as walking or hatha yoga
• Take warm, relaxing baths. Sip warm, vital
water frequently through out the day. Listen to a stream or a
• Aromatherapy/incense - sandalwood, camphor,
wintergreen, musk
• Use music to the calm, nurture, ground yourself.
Avoid loud rock music or any loud noises.
• Calm your mind with gentle habits of reading,
meditating, praying. Avoid fearful, worrisome or
overwhelmed thinking. Avoid too much thinking or talking
or studying. Avoid excess stimulation by media & computers.
• Be settled. Avoid moving homes, jobs, etc.
too much. Do not travel too much, especially by airplane
• Have a routine- eat, sleep, BM at regular
times soothes the body and mind.
• Slow, gentle self massage with sesame or almond
oil, especially to feet, top of head, back, & abdomen
or get massage from someone else regularly.
• Have time alone. Avoid overworking & too
much socializing.
• Get regular sleep. Go to bed before 10 pm,
earlier if possible. Get enough sleep.
• Get the tastes that balance Vata- predominately
sweet, sour, & salty. Eat heavy, moist, & warm food
with digestive spices added. Avoid cold foods or beverages
and stimulants like caffeine, alcohol. ( a little beer or wine w/
meal OK occasionally) Avoid junk food & microwaved
food; avoid leftovers more than 12 hours old.
• Drink nourishing herbal infusions daily especially
oat straw.
• Eat mindfully – Sit down while eating. Before
eating sit quietly, breathe deeply, and give thanks. Chew
• Use color therapy - most colors good -pastel
colors for sensitivity, avoiding lots of dark or heavy colorsor
gems -emerald, jade, peridot set in gold; yellow sapphire,
topaz & citrine & other yellow stones set in gold; ruby or
garnet can help circulation & energy- & gem elixirs to work
with the energy.

to buy a copy of Ayurveda for the Childbearing Year go to Lulu.com and search the title.
--Terra Rafael

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