I propose every person get a weekly massage. A national health plan could include subsidies for those who can’t afford the massages and for massage training programs.
Imagine if the President got daily massages. And the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA. Congress, Governors and state Legislators. What about the people at the drivers license bureau and the postal workers? And teachers, nurses, neighbors and police officers? And you and your family and neighbors?
With the health benefits of stress relief and the soothing hormones from being touched, the tone of our society would be quite different.
Yesterday it became evident. After my Thai massage, I had planned some errands. When I got to the herb store I was so relaxed. I noticed my speed was unusual. “I apologize for being slow – I just had a 2 hour massage and now I’m not in a hurry.” The two others in the store each took a deep breath and their muscles seemed to let go in front of my eyes.
How much of our hurry is tension? How much does hurry really help us achieve our goals? How much is our fight or flight in over drive, unable to turn itself off?
When was your last massage? When did you last massage someone else? A more peaceful world is found one massage at a time.
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