31 August 2011


The hot spring pool was peaceful right then. Other times it's raucous with laughter or roiling with political discussion. But this was a quiet moment, empty of people except for my beloved and me. We merged into the silence of mountain meadow and trees. A benign, juvenile bull snake sniffed the air from under his rock on the shore, wiggling his tongue to taste for the scent of stray spiders or worms to satisfy his seemingly insatiable appetite.

As I lounged, the warm water and sun joined to envelope me in a welcoming womb. I was lulled, in a voluptuous gestation. This amniotic world clothed my submerged, bare skin with uncountable numbers of tiny bubbles, as though I were studded with glass beads. The tiniest of rainbows spilled from the co-mingling of light with water and gas. This delicate aura scintillated and titillated my senses.

My feet lazily danced with some long velvety moss fronds, which languorously swayed from the sides of some larger boulders. I noticed new gas bubbles were being released from the pebbled bottom of the pool. Some stroked my leg along their way as they surfaced. Mmmmm. I liked that feeling. I waited for more. Bubbles gently tickled their way up my calf. They skirted along the skin of my thighs. They softly bumped against my labia. Others circled the curves of my breasts as they moved upward, inexorably upward. After awhile, my nervous system was fully awakened by these bubble caresses. Mmmmm. I liked that feeling.

This is one piece from my new book, REUNION WITH MOTHER NATURE, available from www.wisewomanhood.webs.com or amazon.

02 August 2011

Crying for My Country & My People

I’m crying now. Crying for my country and my people. Crying because although this is supposed to be a democracy, when poll after poll show that the overwhelming majority of the citizens are asking for shared sacrifice to bring our economy back into balance, the minority wealthy, who control the majority of the money, still get by without shouldering their share of the burden.
The facts are all there plain to see—how tax rates have gone down dramatically for the wealthy since Ronald Reagan’s administration; how jobs are increasingly outsourced to other countries; how corporations have won more and more rights to influence elections; how the wealth of our country is becoming more and more divided along the lines of third world countries, with a wealthy elite and a lower empoverished class.
This cannot go on.
The media (= wealthy class owned propaganda) generally avoids the issue of class in our country, unless it is to make accusations of “class war”. Yes, it is a class war. The wealthy class is winning.
As the middle class is squeezed until it is no longer in the middle but down in the bottom, our economy becomes more and more like Greece and less like the land of promise that so many people have looked to for inspiration and abundance. We soon won’t have an immigration problem; it’s already dwindling due to our economy. We will have an emigration problem as the bright and skilled move to other places where they can have a better life.
The slide downward will accelerate unless we can convince those in power that it is worthwhile for them to keep a middle class in this country. What will convince?