23 April 2011

Body-Soul Recycle

See how my body eagerly droops earthward as I age?
It rushes to pay back
the sun- the soil - the rain-
all that it’s borrowed these many years of eating and breathing.
My final breath will be an exhale.
Do not deny me, then, the joy of feeding a rose bush with my abandoned flesh & bones
after ages of plucking petals to celebrate beauty & strength .

When my soul finally flies into the Big Bang of Death,
Leaving behind this food body in gratitude to Mother Earth,
Both holy trajectories.

18 April 2011

For Holy Week-The Christ I Know and Love

It’s tricky. Am I a Christian? I seek to be like Jesus, in becoming one with God. He translated the Power & Glory of God into earthly Love & Healing, even raising the dead, to demonstrate this connection. The Christ in Jesus lives inside of me, inside of everyone. Christ is waiting to be unleashed from the blockage of ego patterns. I experienced the Christ once in a dream. The Power of Light Shining simultaneously from outside and inside my soul. The feeling of Union- of love so great it passed any understanding. I experienced the Christ in my life. A series of events opened up my being to the sense of Light, streaming through me. The Light wasn’t barren but full of Life, full of Love. I only wanted to praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow! I had stated my willingness to open to the Light inside of me, to serve God, the ever good. And then my heart burst with light, with joy, with gratitude, realizing all the Greatness of God. I was meditating without closing my eyes. I was praising God in every breath. Somehow this experience became covered up again. I hope for it to return. So I do not experience Christ as someone else dying and raising from the dead and thereby, saving me from my sins, as defined by the church. I experience Christ as a living power within, who shows me how to connect with God. Christ cheers me on, as, through grace and effort, I rise up from the tomb of the ego and become fully alive. Then that Light shines through as expressions of love, gratitude, service, praise, prayer and glorification of God. Christ Lives in me and you. Glory to Mother Father God in the Highest. In this way I am a Christian. And a Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and pagan.

01 April 2011

My New Baby

Issue 1 - Home funerals - Spring 2011

Natural Transitions Magazine Issue 1: Issue 1 - Home funerals - Spring 2011

Premier issue of Natural Transitions Magazine focuses on Home Funerals. First person stories. Funerals in Ghana. Minnesota reclaims families' rights. Joanna Macy interview and story or her husband's death and home funeral. Strange and Unusual facts about death.

Find out more on MagCloud