22 April 2008

Nine Poems for Earth Day, from earth days past

Yeh spring
yeh love-
bright shinin
sweet heat
Yeh spring
Yeh love-
stormy days
rains beat

whatzit? whatzit? whatzit? whatzit?
doin to me?
prying open my seeds
singin songs to be free
let the flowers romance
until fruit bends the branch

Yeh spring,
Yeh love-
bright shinin
sweet heat
Yeh spring
Yeah love-
stormy days
rains beat
Yeh spring
Yeh love
Yeh spring
Yeh love
Yeh love
Yeh love
Yeh love
Prayer to the Earth, Mother Earth

we measure our dance against your spin.
we grow when we root in your rhythms.
we stretch alive against the graceful container of your gravity.
Remind us our bodies are part of the land.

Your body is ripped & pulverized,
scabbed with concrete & sucked of nutrients
Remind us our bodies are part of the land.

The salt from our sweat & our tears
spills & spills to your oceans,
yet boiled & oiled & chemicalled waters cannot be renewed
until our waves of sweat & tears turn with your tides
instead of being damned by dreams of the Grossest National Product.
Remind us our bodies are part of the land.

And oh breath of your air
that gently torches each tiny energy of our cells –
even wind is made heavy with sighs of smoldering lives
& smoke & farts of cars that sour flesh & dull our brains.
Remind us our bodies are part of the land.

Mother Earth
Remind us our bodies are part of the land.

The deep tapestry of bird song
Lifts up the dawning light
And my voice weaves in too
Welcoming the rising of my waking heart.

Would naming each bird
Enrich my soul?
Or distract from the Pure Joy
Of sound & new bright dewy day?

Spring Excitement
The myriad & many buds
On the verge of blossoming-
The crescendo of excitement
Just before orgasm

Grown Brown

From brown Winter-fallow fields
I grew fresh from brown seeds swollen with Spring rain.
Sun pulled me up, bursting with Summer bounty
Until Fall fatigue & coolness ended by browning me
Into crackly dry brown stalks of plant bones,
Waiting to be plowed back into the Earth
To feed the fertile brown of tomorrow.

Sunset blazes-bright- across the sky
Into my Heart- inspiring me to Dance-
Dancing barefoot in the green green grass.
To dance – for unnamed God behind the blazing sun!
To dance – for green of grass & joy of dance!
I dance ‘til grass & I are wet with dew
And then surrender, willingly, to night.

To worship God with lipless prayer is pure.
My body sings while lips are yet unsure.


dandelions cure disease
but people are taught that they’re ugly weeds.
bright sunshine flowers tenaciously cling.
someday we’ll all praise their healing properties

fingers, comb meadow grass
poetry, bells, and sweet pot weave fingers into combing
new varieties of human fur.
flies buzz, bite flesh.
bodies form a fresh niche in the mountain biosphere-
no walls to hold our yeses
our yeses echo only
in all our orifices.
naked against wild herbs,
they scratch us into tiny scabs of tomorrow,
we bruise them into dense perfume of now.


April Shepherd’s Purse

Little lambs, blossoming in a herd, corralled into an umbrella,
Green heart seed pods offered forth to spread your wealth,
Sister stalk tall enough to quietly broadcast your goodness,
All grounded by rosette of greenery clinging to the disturbed earth.
Thank you for your bitter essence that staunches bodily bleeds.
For that you are Sweet, Weed.

16 April 2008

I Hone My Words

I hone my words
on the hardness of my skull
until they shine along the edge,
sharp enough to split a hair-
but that’s not enough.

Then I let them penetrate my heart,
to enliven them
with the DNA of my deep sweet soul-
to mobilize them with tails made of tales—
to soften their hard heads enough to impregnate something into being.

In this way
when they swim into your eyes
your ears—
If you are wet & fertile of mind—
a chosen One might merge with some expectant part of you,
to grow into some new life form,
to take root in the welcome womb of your imagination,
to gestate within you,
until, with the force of your long held in expression,
you open your mouth widely enough
and loudly enough
to give it birth.

06 April 2008

Riggidy jig

Crone the Destroyer
Wise Goddess
Heal me of illness
Transform all my defects.
Make me moist ground for the Mother to till,
Growing & fruitful for doing Our Will.
Then I be Maid again
Fresh & anew
Flowering sweetly with bees & the dew.
Then to fall & be fruited,
To rot and be seed,
Born again, born again,
Riggidy jig.

My New Moon Power

I fly into the new moon night
turning my dark inside out into light.
The Darkness that’s come to Shadow me- Go!
It’s time for my power & light now to show.

01 April 2008

Female Cycle Songs (to the tune of: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Menstrual consciousness song

Flow, flow, flow my blood-
Now release the old.
Endings, end with beginnings again-
New eggs start to unfold.

Follicular consciousness song

Ri – pen - now my eggs-
New possibilities
Many hopes & dreams & schemes.
Womb ripens to receive.

Ovulation consciousness song

Now- my- egg is ripe.
Fer-tile juices flow.
Attracting inspiration now-
Come what I need to grow!

Luteal consciousness song

Wel-come- womb receive
Stories yet untold.
Hopeful planting, firmly planting,
Let new Life take hold.

Premenstrual consciousness song
(when there is no fertilization)

Har-vest flow-ers now.
Hope for fruit is killed.
Wilting beauty feeds the soul
Though seeds are unfulfilled.

Female Troubles- What Could Help?

The Women’s Movement freed women to participate more fully in the world. But it hasn’t freed women from a secret shackle—“female problems”. Menstrual difficulties and other problems associated with women’s special anatomy and physiology may plague women even more today than in the days of our grandmothers. Our active lifestyles, work stress, eating on the run, and lack of deep relaxation add up to increased probability of PMS, menstrual cramps, irregular cycles, abnormal pap smears, fertility problems, pregnancy complications, and perimenopausal discomforts.

Luckily, we don’t need to turn back the clock or rely only on questionable medications to care for our feminine core. We can soothe it and allow for healthy functioning using lifestyle, diet, massage & herbs. A history & physical evaluation with a holistic practitioner helps map out a plan of action & care to bring the uterus and the whole woman into balance again.

Ayurveda, the “Science of Life” is an ancient healing system from India. For “female problems” it offers basic information on proper self care during the times when women’s bodies are vulnerable. Suitable diet, digestion & herbs for the woman can support the nervous system for better resilience under stress, as well as directly feed the reproductive system. Pulse reading tunes in to the subtle, early conditions of imbalance and allows for treatment in subtle ways before they solidify into denser forms, such as cysts, fibroids, or endometriosis. With more advanced problems healing may require more time and stronger therapies. Through various techniques & teachings, Ayurvedic work heals deeply.

Maya Abdominal Massage offers great relief for many women, sometimes bringing menstrual relief after only one therapy session. Self massage techniques are taught to do regularly, between sessions. This adds impetus for better uterine positioning, greater circulation, lymphatic cleansing, and optimization of herbal therapies and the body’s own hormonal messages. Maya Massage also helps release traumas and emotions stored in the pelvic-abdominal region that may restrict healthy flow & function.

Through such holistic techniques “female problems” need not be part of the legacy of women’s greater role in the world.